I was never much of a runner; at least not a very fast one. But late
in my teens, I discovered something I was better at… running distance. I may
have lacked speed but I did have some endurance. This is similar to how our
Christian walk is. As we mature in Cristo we learn that this is not a sprint but more of a long distance
And not
only is our walk like a marathon, it's also like an obstacle course. We see an
example of this in the life of Christ.
In Luca 13:31 Jesus, Gesù, received a warning that Herod was out to kill him. (I'd say that qualifies as an obstacle.) But He didn't respond in fear. He knew that these "obstacles" were an unavoidable part of His mission. Gesù remained
confident because He also knew that He had entered His final lap.
Today and tomorrow I cast out demons and heal, He said in versetto 32. And the third
day I shall be perfected. But what did He mean when He said I shall be