Saturday, March 18, 2017

Full of Light (Illuminato)

During Week 9 of our journey through il Nuovo Testamento, we looked at Marco 13:24 which talks about not just the light of the moon but its splendore, splendor. 

(See: The Moon and its Light/La Luna e il suo Splendore)

I love it when the Word, la Parola uses grand words like these to describe God and the things of God. Sometimes I think that in our demand for everything to be simple, quick and easy, we unknowingly strip away the full meaning of things which make God's word so… well splendido, splendid. Don't get me wrong, simple and easy definitely has its place. But if we are ever going to grasp the greatness of God in this life (as much as possible anyway), then sometimes we're going to need some adjectives that at least try to capture how awesome our God and His Kingdom really are.

So here in Luca 11, we see la Bibbia once again teaching us about the wonders of God's light, la luce.

Luca 11:34  tells us that the lamp of the body is they eye, so that if your eye is good, your whole body will therefore be full of light. And Luca 11:36 adds that when you are filled with light on the inside, it's like a bright shining lamp or candle that when lit gives off its light to the space it's in. But again as in Marco 13:24, the Italian version of  Luca 11:36 uses the phrase il suo splendore. God's light within us is no ordinary light but one that is full of splendor.

And this splendido light of God doesn't just shine brightly, but as we see in il verso 36, ti illumina. It illuminates you.

This takes things a little deeper because when you are illuminato, illuminated, it suggests that you see something on a higher level; as in receiving a spiritual revelation from God. So what does it take to receive this illuminando, illuminating presence of God's light within us?

Il verso 34 in the Italian  tells us that our eye needs to be limpido, clean or clear.

Imagine a house with very dirty windows. Even when the sun is on the outside shining in full force, the rooms in that house won't be completely lit up. Why? Because the grime and dirt on the windows prevent the light from fully shining through them. Some light will get through but not as much as it would if the windows were clean.

God wants us to reflect the light of his glory but we can only fully experience this as we allow Him to purify our hearts. And as we seek to do so, we will be illuminata from within… And it won't be long until those who don't know Christ, will see His light within us con tutto il Suo splendore… With all His splendor.

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