Saturday, April 15, 2017

True Worshippers (I Veri Adoratori)

Italian: "Ma l'ora viene, anzi è già venuta, che i veri adoratori adoreranno il Padre in spirito e verità, perché tali sono gli adoratori che il Padre richiede."
(Giovanni 4:23, LND)
English: "But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him."
(John 4:23, NKJ)

When I first started learning Italian, (at least the Bible and Christian related words), one of the first things I wanted to know was how to say worship in Italian. Because I wanted not just to understand Italian, or even just read the Bible in Italian. I knew that if I was going to get the full experience of the Italian language, I would have to be able to worship and praise God in Italian.

And though I know that many words can express our praise to God, I like to actually say, "Lord I worship you."

So my research began. And I found the Italian word adorare in use quite often. This was good but it seemed to be a form of worship that expressed only adoration or to adore, (which is what adorare also means).

So I continued my search and came up empty until I realized that there is no separate word in Italian for worship.

This was a bit hard for me to grasp at first because I usually use both worship and adore in English. But here's what I've come to consider.

In Italian, maybe there's no separate word for the two English concepts (adore and worship) because there really isn't any "worship" of God without "adoration" for God. The two go hand in hand.

How can I truly worship Him if I don't adore Him?

Giovanni, John 4:23 tells us that true worshippers, i veri adoratori will worship the Father, adoreranno il Padre, in spirit and in truth. This is what is expressed by a heart that truly adores Him. And these are the type of worshipers, (or "adorers" if you will), that our Father is seeking.

So let us not just offer mere words that resemble worship but don't really go deep enough. Let our worship truly flow out of an adoring heart, so that whether the actual words of our mouths or just the meditations of our heart; it will truly be pleasing and acceptable in His sight.

So con tutti i nostri cuori, with all our hearts... Adoriamo.

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