1 Kings 4 tells the story of a married woman who was without child. But one day God's prophet Elisha announced to her that around this time next year she'd be holding a son in her arms.
About this
time next year. Think of what that means.
For you
and I, it means that within one year we can have something we've never had
before. Some of us have never read through the whole Bible or even the New
Testament in English; let alone in Italian. But now we're embarking on a
journey to do just that.
And I like how it says, about this time next year, or in Italian, In questa stagione.
That's in this season, next year.
When this
time of year rolls around again, if you're diligent, you'll be in a whole new
season in your life. One where both your knowledge of God's Word and your
knowledge of the Italian language is much greater. Imagine the impact that can
have on anything from a trip to Italy or a ministry in Italy. Of course, to be
fluent you'll need some other formal language training. But this will help you
to be able to better communicate your faith in the Italian language.
In the previous parts of this introductory mini-series, I talked about a schedule to follow to get you through the entire New Testament as well as some tools I've provided for you to follow that plan. But please feel free to use whatever works best for you.
For instance:
- You may want to read 7 days a week (as opposed to just 5).
- You may want to read a different Bible translation.
- You may only want to view the Italian Bible (not both Italian and English).
- Or, you might prefer to read the New Testament in English, rather than Italian.
The most important thing is that you make the journey.
And what if you feel like you don't have the time to read the entire New testament because of other commitments? That's okay too.
You can just read the weekly Bible posts. I believe that even this part can have an impact on both your Bible and Italian language understanding.
And finally, don't worry if you're starting your journey on a different date. You can start from the beginning on your own. Or you can jump in at the middle.
I personally am looking forward to this journey because I am expecting God to do something great in me along the way. I also feel like there is something special waiting for me at the other end.
Follow along, and let's see what God has in store for your next stagione, season.
View Previous Parts in this Series:
A Plan for this One Year Journey, Pt. 1A Plan for this One Year Journey, Pt. 2
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